Remove s7.addthis.com

s7.addthis.com is linked to an Addthis server. Addthis being a marketing and advertisement sales company. This company provides tools to share content on social networks.

This company is also known for using a technique called “canvas fingerprinting” which allows to follow users without any Javascript nor Cookies. This technique will be soon used by at least 5% of the most popular websites.

s7.addthis.com’s technique is about sending instructions to the browser so it creates a hidden image. All these images are different from computer to computer, thus they can easily become a unique identifier. This is why it’s called “canvas fingerprinting”. After this is done, it’s easy to isolate a computer and know the browsing history.

s7.addthis.com server is called specially from popular sites, as a result they take a lot long than usual to charge in some cases they might not open at all.

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Michelle Lopez: