Remove CouponCheapChea

Ad by CouponCheapChea or CouponCheapChea Ads, are both texts found in the random ads you’ve been seeing in every website you visit. They are signs of a potentially unwanted program being present in your computer. Those ads might look like this one:

CouponCheapChea is an unwanted program which can affect Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer. CouponCheapChea is usually installed without the user knowing about it, thanks to the kind rebuilt setup programs we can found in download websites like softonic.com or download.com… These setup programs make sure to install a lot of additional tools like CouponCheapChea in addition to the software we intended in the first place; if we are not fully aware of what we’re doing we we install we’ll end up with tons of them. You can see then that it’s best to avoid these websites, and if you don’t have a choice but to use them, make sure not to go too fast while installing and don’t press “Next” too quickly. If there’s an “Advanced” option or a way to customize the install make sure you use it, so you can remove any additional software included by default but which you don’t want.

CouponCheapChea’s has one goal only, to build your commercial profile. In order to achieve it, it will analyze your browsing history, offering you afterwards ads matching your own preferences. Of course those ads will pay the tool author for it. CouponCheapChea also uses that information to enlarge commercial databases that can be shared or sold elsewhere.

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Michelle Lopez: