Remove Native Info

Native Info is the name of an advertising software also considered as a malicious one, mainly because its editor makes no effort in explaining the user just how much ads he/she will be forced to see once the program is installed.

Native Info has its own website, which by the way is usually blocked by Chrome and Firefox. Although the program itself is not available to be downloaded there, we can find a list of everything it will do on our computers. Chrome and Firefox block this website because if the program is installed it keeps making calls to this address.

Native Info‘s mission is quite clear… to show ads within every website you visit whilst also taking the time to save data about everything you do on your computer. These ads can be seen as pop-ups, ads’ banners, or green/blue underlined words withing the text of any website you might be visiting. Most of these ads will be seen tagged as Ads by Native Info or Powered by Native Info. Here’s how this infection looks like in Chrome and Firefox:

Usually, Native Info is cleverly hidden in install process meant for free programs. Users rarely take the time to reject everything added to install process as “optional offers”, which tend to include many unwanted programs like Native Info giving them then, complete freedom to be installed.

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Michelle Lopez: