Remove MacVx

Until recently, the Mac OSX users had no security issues because they assimilated “security” to “virus” and everybody thought that there was no virus on Mac. Adware, spyware and other scareware are obviously pretty rare on Mac (more than 99% of the articles How to Remove are intended to Windows users) but things tend to change a little after the success of Apple products.

Therefore, MacVx is an adware designed to be installed on the Apple computers. MacVx has an official page but in general it’s not the common way for this unwanted program to be spread.

If you see ads by MacVx, you have probably attempted to download hacked software on sharing networks. MacVx can mostly be found on Photoshop CS6 files, GTA 5, The Sims 4, Clash of Clans Hack Tool, code generators for PSN etc…

MacVx is installed as a browser extension and it’s often enough to remove it from the browser settings. However, we recommend that you run an antivirus just to be sure that you have totally removed it. The entire procedure is below.

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Eleni Mastrogianni: