Remove MacMin

MacMin is an advertising software considered also as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program). If your Mac computer has been infected with this adwarethere’s no doubt that you failed to pay attention while installing some new free software.

MacMin is developed by cyber-criminals that are happy to make money through you. MacMin is able to infiltrate OSX and all web browsers installed within it through downloads made in malicious websites that add optional programs to the software they offer… mostly malicious software.

Ads shown by this unwanted program are usually tagged as Powered by MacMin , MacMin Ads or Ads by MacMin; it is through this tags that most people realize they have been infected.

Besides ruining your browsing experience, MacMin also takes the time to spy on whatever you do online, by saving keywords you use while doing web searches and every website you visit. It goes as far as analyzing the contents of your Mac, according to their terms of use with “statistic purposes”. Truth is what they actually want is to build up their databases with useful information so they can sell them afterwards.

There is a website acting as official page for MacMin on the web. However, the only reason this website exists is to post their conditions of use so they can protect themselves from legal issues.

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Michelle Lopez: