Remove Cosmosearch

Cosmosearch.ru is a website that redirects your browsing towards go.mail.ru, a Russian search engine. This kind of website is usually considered a browser hijacker.

Cosmosearch.ru will modify without the least effort in asking for your previous approval, several of you browsers’ settings, including homepage, error page or search page. This is done so you’ll be forced every time to use different websites from the ones you could have chosen before to cover those places of homepage or default search engine.

This malicious website, usually enters your computer in a discrete manner when you download something from the net. Every time you add a new app to your computer, you must always remember (no exceptions) to customize the install process so you can remove any pre-selected cases. This is the way to stop any malicious software to be installed at the same time as your chosen app.

Cosmosearch.ru has infected your computer in a way that to bring back your old settings becomes impossible. To achieve this it might be counting on the support of a process or system service that makes sure to reestablish its own settings every time the computer is started.

All results forced upon the user due to Cosmosearch.ru‘s presence, will be filled with ads that result in money for them. The more the website is seen, the more money they will get.

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Michelle Lopez: