Remove search.lunaticake.com

search.lunaticake.com is a browser hijacker that so far we’ve only seen on MacOSX and not on Windows, which is why this article is focused on removing search.lunaticake.com from Mac systems. If you are using Windows and have been affected with this problem, don’t hesitate to contact us trough our support page, someone will help you clean your computer.

search.lunaticake.com is then a browser hijacker that modifies in a discrete manner your web browser, whether it is Safari, Chrome or Firefox (if they are installed at the time of the infection). search.lunaticake.com is usually installed after you executed some software you downloaded online where the hijacker was hidden.

This bundled programs include a licence agreement that you need to accept before anything is installed. This contract applies to every single program within the bundle, including the browser hijacker, which makes it’s installation legal in a way.

search.lunaticake.com is used to insert ads in every results page shown if you use it for your searches. This means that every time you perform a search, search.lunaticake.com will show you a page where ads have been added. This browser hijacker can also be used to track everything you do online, saving data about it in remote databases that can be sold afterwards.

Every software included in our guide to remove search.lunaticake.com is completely free!

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Michelle Lopez: