Remove WebDiscover

WebDiscover is the name of a new malicious web browser. It’s been several months since we started seeing the raise of new web browsers based on Chromium, which is an open source browser and actually the base for Chrome. However, people behind those new browsers don’t have the best interest of users at heart. WebDiscover is no exception, in fact we can even classify it as adware.

First of all this parasite is installed without the user actually wanting it so. To be installed, this program attaches itself to free downloads often found in certain download platforms, where it’s offered as an optional feature. Usually this fact is not quite clearly presented for the user and they must go to the customized install option to realize that it has been attached and unless they un-check the pre-selected case related to it, it will be installed automatically.

Once WebDiscover has been installed, it becomes your default browser, replacing anything you had previously selected. It knows everything you do online… and it has access to all data that goes through it like passwords… Usually this data is used to personalize and match the ads to your own profile, however if we think about the fact that it was installed in a dishonest manner, plus it has access to practically everything, we realize that our data can easily be in danger and we have no guarantee of the contrary. Fortunately you ended up in the right website to remove WebDiscover by means of free software only.


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Michelle Lopez: