Remove WeatherBlink

WeatherBlink is the given name of an advertisement software that counts on most users being too distracted to infiltrate their systems.

WeatherBlink’s only goal is to use your computer to increase its developer’s revenues through the huge amount of ads you’ll be submitted to. WeatherBlink inserts its publicity on real time, which will ruin for sure your browsing visual experience as much as your computer’s performances.

Ads shown by WeatherBlink can be inserted anywhere, either directly onto the content of every website you visit (pop-ups, underlined words, banners) or by opening unexpected new tabs on your browser every time you click on something, and even sometimes without the least action on your part.

Besides ruining your browsing experience, WeatherBlink takes the time to collect data about everything you do online, saving every web search you do and every website you visit. This infection goes as far as checking your computer’s content, according to them with statistics purposes only, or so they claim on their conditions of use. The truth is that they put together this data into databases they will charge for afterwards.

To avoid this kind of problem in the future, be very careful with what you download in the internet, make sure you understand what the pre-selected cases mean before clicking on “Next”, and customize every install process you start in your computer so you can reject anything you don’t want.

Browsing a little on the net we quickly find a website used as official page for WeatherBlink, however the software is not even available to download there. This page is only there to publish their conditions of use, so nothing could be done legally against WeatherBlink. 

Remember that you accepted and approved all these conditions when you installed the software even if you never intended to.

A final word of advice… use only official websites to download software, and stay away from platforms like Softonic or 01Net, for they usually include this kind of annoying programs on their installers.

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Michelle Lopez: