Remove us.4yendex.com

If every time you start your web browser, open a new tab or window, or even when you try to search for something online, you keep being redirected towards us.4yendex.com you can be sure of something… you were infected with a browser hijacker. This term covers a group of malicious programs that change (without asking for any kind of approval from you) several settings within your web browser. These changes are made as a mean to force you to visit websites filled with ads.

In most cases, browser hijackers such as us.4yendex.com show a search engine. This is smart move because most users have a search engine (whether Google, Bing or Yahoo) as homepage, reducing the chances then of a user attempting to remove us.4yendex.com‘s own search engine from their homepage. Plus they try to fool the user into thinking it’s Yahoo they have, by using Yahoo’s logo on their website.

On the other hand, us.4yendex.com also shows links and shortcuts to known an popular websites, building the user’s trust. However among those links we can also find ads where danger might be lurking around because those could lead you to download even more dangerous programs. To get rid of us.4yendex.com is no easy task, its developer has set several measures in motion to make sure it stays installed as long as possible. Fortunately there are free tools that can help you in this endeavor, like the ones recommended in the removal guide shown below.

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Michelle Lopez: