Remove Tlbsearch

Tlbsearch (ppcs.tlbsearch.com) is what we call a “browser hijacker” because this page “hijacks” your browser by modifying your default home page and default search engine without explicitly letting you know. So, if you’ve set Google as your browser’s home page and search engine, that page will be replaced by tlbsearch.com

Tlbsearch offers to run searches and use Google, and it causes a great number of problems:

– Tlbsearch is often held in place by an add-on in your browser, which prevents you from getting back to your old settings easily.

– Tlbsearch can save everything you do on the Internet (especially by gaining access to your search history).
– Tlbsearch can modify the search results offered by Google so that it can display its own results and therefore redirect you to not-so-trustworthy websites.
– Tlbsearch can display advertisements on any web page you visit.
– Tlbsearch slows down your browser.

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