Remove thecoolestmoviesearch.com

thecoolestmoviesearch is a search engine found at search.thecoolestmoviesearch.com whose main goal is to change your homepage and search engine by default and replace them with this page. On the IT security world we call this a browser hijacker. It’s not exactly a virus, but a parasite software that manages to change several parameters of our web browsers without asking for any approval first.

Although the visual look of thecoolestmoviesearch.com might resemble those of the most popular search engines, the results given by it are not like the ones a true search engine will give you should you try and use it. In fact it will place first and foremost sponsored links among the so called results page.  thecoolestmoviesearch.com can direct the user towards malicious websites, making this the main reason why its highly recommended to remove it and replace it with your own homepage; this will also stop the address bar redirecting you to thecoolestmoviesearch.com every time you try to do a search there.

To remove manually thecoolestmoviesearch.com it’s not always easy, or possible in some cases, as it is the case with  most browser hijackers. To achieve it we have selected and placed at your disposal free tools in the guide found below  so you’ll have all the help you need.

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Michelle Lopez: