Remove download.mac-install.com

Software available and promoted by the address download.mac-install.com is not to be trusted. First of all this domain is the source of many fake alerts saying that one program in your system is not up-to-date. Obviously these messages contain fake alerts about popular programs like Java or Flash. What’s hidden behind these useless messages is a scareware called MacKeeper. This software specializes in going over the board with its out of proportion alerts about the state of your Mac. And it goes on from the very first second it gets installed. Our team tested MacKeeper in a brand new and up-to-date installation of OSX… what a surprise, no less than 2000 files were flagged as “threatening”. Of course those files turn out to be either cache files, logs or cookies that represent no danger whatsoever.

On the other hand if it is your browser the one having constant messages coming from download.mac-install.com, you’re most likely being victim of an adware… an annoying and unwanted plug-in whose only reason to exists is to torture you with its ads. Below you’ll find a guide we have put up together to help you clean your Mac. Our guide and every program recommended in it are 100% free.

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Michelle Lopez: