Remove surveysforconsumers.com

surveysforconsumers.com is a malicious website that built to make you think your browser is offering you the opportunity to win 100€ or $100 (depending on the country you’re in) by simply filling out some survey…

If you reply to the survey (something we strongly advice you against), you’ll end up in a tab saying you’ve won some hi-tech product such as a mobile, a computer, a camera or a tablet…

Of course, nothing of these are true. When clicking the chosen “gift” you’ll be redirected to a new tab where you’ll be tricked into subscribing to some completely useless service.

For example, lets say you chose the Go Pro Camera HD, what you’ll see after clicking on it is this page where:

  • you’ll be asked for an address to send the product (attempt to subscribe you to a service)
  • the Go Pro will appear on the picture, however they now switch to using the term “digital camera”
  • in very small script, there’s an explanation saying the subscription costs 79.99 per month, the service is called You-Tune and its function is to allow you to listen to online radios.

In conclusion, this is nothing but a well structured fraud. You’re being affected by it because there’s a malicious software installed in your computer opening up these windows.

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Michelle Lopez: