Remove Search Voyage

Search Voyage is one of the many programs classified among the PUP category (Potentially Unwanted Program). If you’re currently having problems with Search Voyage is because you were not careful enough when installing something new in your computer.

The only two reasons why Search Voyage was created are pretty clear, first of all to broadcast as many ads as possible, and the second one to act as a spy that collects data about your online moves.

These ads can be seen as pop-ups, banners, fake Google ads, or double underlined links in green/blue directly among the text of any website you visit.

Usually the way people notice they have been infected with Search Voyage is because they start seeing ads tagged as Search Voyage Ads or Powered by Search Voyage. 

As stated before, if Search Voyage has corrupted your system everything you do while online is being followed and saved because this adware acts like a spyware, collecting certain specific data about you such as your OS version, IP address, geographical location, visited websites, searches done, among others that are useful to profile you personally.

If you visit the website posing as Search Voyage’s official page, you would hardly download it by mistake… actually is quite impossible, because even though there is a “Download” button, the software is not really available to be downloaded. The only reason this website was built is because they needed a place to publish their conditions of use so they can protect themselves from any legal action against them.

If you’re already infected with Search Voyage, be careful with certain websites offering a removal tool, those websites will try to convince you to download and pay for a crapware that will prove difficult to remove afterwards.

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Michelle Lopez: