Remove Search.SmartShopping.com

Search.SmartShopping.com is a search page which is installed by modifying the setting configuration of your browser whether it is on Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox. Search.SmartShopping.com often changes the settings of your browser through an adware (or browser hijacker). This adware, except from changing the homepage and the default search engine, can also lead to other problems:

• It weakens the confidentiality of your computer. The adware, which has set up Search.SmartShopping.com, can have access to some of your personal data in the same way you do in the internet.
• It generates traffic (every time that you open your browser, Search.SmartShopping.com appears).
• It slows down the speed of your computer.

Offered with free software, Search.SmartShopping.com penetrates your system and can be installed when you are not attentive during certain installations of the software. It is mostly about:

• Download software, torrent, newsgroup etc.
• Video readers
• Crack software

You have to pay close attention when you download free programs which are not certified by an editor. Also, you should be extra attentive during certain installations by deselecting everything that looks suspicious or unknown.

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Eleni Mastrogianni: