Remove search.findwide.com

Search.findwide.com is the address of a web page where you can find a search engine similar to Google. Search.findwide.com was developed by malicious people in order to replace Google (or your default search engine) with Findwide. They take advantage of the lack of attention of Internet users while they install downloaded programs on their computer.  It is often at this moment when search.findwide.com hacks the settings of your browsers.

When search.findwide.com is set as the default homepage and the default search engine, the creators of this malware will benefit a lot. It already generates traffic for this page while it appears every time you open your browser. It’s good for them if you use it to do research because they can manipulate the results  the way  it fits them and send you where they want, or worse they can see what you are doing in the internet and at least have access to the history of your research.

Finally, these parameters are often protected by a program that runs permanently on your computer which renders them difficult to be changed. That’s the reason why you can’t remove search.findwide.com only by changing the settings of your browser.

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Eleni Mastrogianni: