Remove search.funtabsafesearch.com

search.funtabsafesearch.com is a browser hijacker that can affect Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. It inserts itself on many computers through free programs easily found online. Once it has entered the system search.funtabsafesearch.com replaces your default homepage and search engine.

The browser hijacker that installs search.funtabsafesearch.com takes all necessary measures to block you from entering your browser’s settings. Therefore if you have this page installed on your browser you’ll have a hard time getting rid of it.

search.funtabsafesearch.com terms and conditions of use contain every action this program will perform. We learn by reading them that it will track your online activity, saving your favorite websites and any other useful data about the way you use the Internet. Several data uploaded unto social networks can also be saved, such as names, photos, geographical setting data, interests, etc… in other words nothing good for your privacy.

To avoid having this kind of unwanted program in you computer, avoid at all costs the execution of programs whose source you don’t know for sure. Only perform downloads from official and secure websites and if you have any doubts check all your downloads through a website like virustotal.com.

Our disinfection guide is 100% free as are all tools recommended.

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Michelle Lopez: