Remove HulaToo

HulaToo is an unwanted program, and as such it is distributed thanks to free programs whose installation processes have been modified to include it, this process is usually done by some download websites; if you choose the default version of these setup processes instead of customizing them, HulaToo will surely invade your Windows system taking in with it more unwanted programs.

This program was created by cyber-criminals looking to make some money through us. HulaToo can infect many computers through downloading and installing free software found in non-respectable websites that add malicious software to them in a quiet manner.

Ads shown by HulaToo can be seen in several forms including pop-ups, banners, or green/blue words underlined directly onto the text of the visited websites.

This ads are usually seen tagged as Powered by HulaToo or HulaToo Ads, by seeing these tags is how most people notice they have been infected.

HulaToo also acts like a spy, saving all your online activity, including visited websites, performed searches, using that data to match the ads shown to your own profile, but also to save it in databases that will be sold afterwards to companies interested in your data.

Browsing through the net we can find a sort of official website for HulaToo, although we quickly discover that it’s not possible to download this program there. The only reason this website was created is to publish their conditions of use, as a way to make sure no legal action can be taken against them.

HulaToo is well known among anti-virus tools because it’s a new version of an infection called BrowseFox. Techniques used by SuperWeb LLC, the company behind these infections rarely change, they just change the name of their program, and register a new domain that will be based on the same models just to publish their conditions of use.

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Michelle Lopez: