Remove Screenify

Screenify is an advertising software, in other words an adware developed specifically to broadcast ads in every computer where it gets installed. These ads are quite intrusive being able to show themselves either as pop-ups, banners, or links directly onto the content of every website you visit.

Screenify’s goal is to show as much ads as possible making a lot of money for its creator through you. This parasite is often installed along with some free software to whom it has been attached. If you don’t take measures against what’s being offered as optional by not refusing through the customized install all those tools you don’ t want, Screenify will be installed in such a way that to remove it afterwards becomes impossible if attempted manually.

Screenify besides offering ads, is also dangerous because it has the ability to save data about what you do online. First of all they do this to make sure all ads shown to you will match your personal profile, however, some parasite programs are even more malicious, saving data like passwords and credit card numbers.

Screenify was created by Tuto4PC / Eorezo, a French company already known for its countless adware created, most of which were already covered here at How-to-remove.com. To remove it, all you have to do is follow and execute every step on the guide shown below.

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Michelle Lopez: