Remove SaveSense

SaveSense is an adware program that helps itself to PCs when users aren’t paying careful attention and are downloading free programs off the Internet. Like any good, self-respecting adware program, SaveSense is completely useless except for displaying sponsored links and deals in the form of advertisements everywhere it can. SaveSense is close to being spyware, because it usually doesn’t make it clear to users that it’s going to be installed or alert them about what it’s about to do.

SaveSense gets information about the websites you visit so that it can more accurately select the types of advertisements to display, usually with pop-up windows, but it also ends up displaying contextual advertising links when certain words, which have been bought by the advertisers, appear in the written content of the websites you visit. The information it gathers are sometimes stored in databases for commercial use.

SaveSense slows down the browser on which it’s installed (whether Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer). The pages will load more slowly because of it.

In short, SaveSense is pretty much useless except for the fact that it will annoy you… remove it right away!

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