Remove rvzr-a.akamaihd.net

If you have noticed ads and popups from rvzra.akamaihd.net on your computer, it means that your PC is infected with adware. While they are not dangerous ads, they are very annoying and will slow your computer.

rvzra.akamaihd.net infects Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. This adware will occur when you try to search or visit a website. If you click on these pop-ups, you will be redirected to unknown web pages. The authors of this adware make money from clicks on affiliate links and create traffic for the pages they are promoting. Know that they can also redirect you to malicious sites where you may find yourself infected with more serious virus or rogue software.

rvzra.akamaihd.net can be installed on your computer when downloading and installing free programs. If you want to avoid that such adware, be careful when you download and when you install your programs. In the custom installation software you can always reject the installation of additional programs. Never accept to install anything that does not seem familiar to you.

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