Remove Note-Up

Note-Up is a software that allows you to save events and schedule alerts and reminders about them. Behind this function another one hides whose goal is to show massive amounts of ads. Tags like Ads by Note-Up or anything on those lines is the first evidence of this advertisement task.

If we submit the main file of this software to no less than 50 anti-virus programs, this is what we get:

Only Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is detecting it as PUP, which is short for Potentially Unwanted Program.

Potentially unwanted programs such as this, are usually installed without the user being aware of even agreeing to what’s happening. These programs are deliberately hidden in install process for freeware so deep that the install is as quiet as it can be, achieving with this technique to be installed into many user’s systems. Of course this is exactly what its developer is after: the more successful installations, the more users submitted to their advertising campaigns which results in a great increase in their advertising income.

Without doubt in the next few days or weeks at most, many other anti-virus tools will be able to find and remove Note-Up, in the meantime only Malwarebytes Anti-malware can help you, remember this is a free tool so feel at ease using it. As a final caution we also recommend to use all other tools included in our guide, so you’re sure to remove any other program that might have been installed at the same time as Note-Up. 

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Michelle Lopez: