Remove navsmart.info

navsmart.info is a browser hijacker developed to install itself and replace your homepage and default search engine (Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer can all be affected).

This unwanted program usually arrives uninvited to your system when you install some program you found online.

Several programs and platforms where we find many tools to download, such as download.com get a commission every time navsmart.info is installed in a user’s web browser, this explains why its installation is so quietly done. If you add a new tool to your system, you must remember every single time to customize the install process so you can stop any adware from entering your PC.

Websites forced upon users when navsmart.info is present, will be filled with ads that will pay navsmart.info‘s developers. The more their website is used, the more money for them.

Search results presented by navsmart.info are clearly manipulated to their own convenience. A good amount of sponsored websites that will also pay navsmart.infos developer, will be added to the results page in the best positions to get your attention.

If you wish to remove navsmart.info and recover your own homepage while you’re at it, use the guide presented below.

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Michelle Lopez: