Remove MySafeNewPages

MySafeNewPages is a parasite extension that inserts itself in our browsers in order to show non-stop ads while we browse the net. MySafeNewPages is nothing more than an adware that turns your computer into a publicity outlet whose goal is to increase its author’s income.

The url address MySafeNewPages.com shows a fake message attempting to convince users into installing the advertising extension.

This page is usually shown by streaming or torrent’s download websites that often help this kind of threat to spread around.

If your Chrome or Firefox browser has the MySafeNewPages extension installed and it is therefore infected, you must remove it as soon as possible, otherwise ads will continue to be shown as banners or new tabs every time you browse the net.

If you have some issues getting your computer clean, you can use our completely free guide to help you in this task. Our guide is based on using only 100%  free tools that will be efficient and quick to remove this kind of advertising virus. Don’t go blindly trusting every other website offering you “removal solutions”, most of them will only try to make you pay for a useless removal tool that will also be hard to remove afterwards.

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Michelle Lopez: