Remove Microsoft Official Support

“Tech scams”, or more clearly scams related to fake tech support services are currently on the rise. In the beginning we dealt with telephone campaigns where someone posed as Microsoft Official Support, nowadays those scams have evolved to include websites that make browsing practically impossible where alert messages are showed about an alleged infection present in your computer; the goal behind this is tricking you into calling a number that poses as Microsoft where you’ll be convinced to buy (at an outrageous price) a disinfection tool.

All scams considered “tech scams” base their actions into convincing a potential victim that there’s a grave threat in his/her devices, mostly computers. The person on the phone, poses as a real and qualified tech agent, who will quickly suggest an urgent intervention in order to fix the problem.

One of the most known tech scams is working under the name Microsoft Official Support.

These scams operate in one of two ways:

  • Telephone call: where you receive an unexpected call, where someone poses as a Microsoft tech agent to explain you about an infection found in your computer;
  • Fake website: in this case you’ll be shown over and over a web page with a message saying your computer is infected; this website is the result of a malicious ad, usually linked to streaming or illegal downloads websites. If you’re victim of this kind of scam your computer is most likely infected with an adware.
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Michelle Lopez: