Remove A message from our sponsor redirecting you shortly

If unexpected new tabs labeled with: “A message from our sponsor: redirecting you shortly” are being opened in your browser followed by ads, you can be sure that your computer has been infected by a potentially unwanted program. This unexpected opening of tabs with the message “A message from our sponsor: redirecting you shortly” over a black background, is the consequence of this infection. So, what’s the purpose of this adware? Quite simple, to force you to visit a website where you’ll be shown ads (which of course will pay the author).

We won’t stop saying it, we need to be very careful and wise with cracks, warez sites, streaming sites, porn websites and everything we find in peer to peer networks. Plus, remember never to open an attached file to an e-mail message unless you know the sender’s identity. Finally, take your time while installing a software, don’t go too fast to the “Next” button, without first reading what you’re accepting and checking any preselected boxes. Be very cautious with what you do on the net, you need to be your own best protection!

Back to our problem… as we can’t tell which adware is showing the message “A message from our sponsor: redirecting you shortly“ we have selected free anti-malware tools to remove every possible malware installed on your computer.

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Michelle Lopez: