Remove iqasearch.com

iqasearch.com is a browser hijacker, meaning that is a website (whose content is a search engine) that adds itself to your browser’s parameters, replacing the default homepage and search engine you previously had. iqasearch.com asks for no approval whatsoever on your part before it hijacks your parameters to set its own… thus the name browser hijacker.

As  a result, every time you open your browser or try to do a search from the address bar, you’ll be forced to use iqasearch.com even if you don’t want to. This is exactly what this program’s developers want, to force their website on you so they can easily redirect your browsing towards websites that will pay them for your visits. Make no mistake, even if some results are really coming from Google or Bing, they will disguise ads as search results and will place them in the best positions on the results page shown to you.

iqasearch.com is installed as a consequence of a free program you installed without customizing the install process. Every single time you start any install process you must remember to avoid at all costs the so called “recommended” option, or you’ll end up with many unwanted programs installed as well.

Manually modifying your browser’s parameters is usually not enough to remove iqasearch.com. The free software and tools recommended on our guide will take care of that for you. Even if you happen to notice iqasearch.com has been removed after just  a few steps,  do keep going with all other steps in order to be sure that all traces of iqasearch.com are removed and it won’t reactivate itself afterwards.

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Michelle Lopez: