Remove Hostify

Hostify is a parasite program that counts on people being too distracted when installing something new to infiltrate their computers.

Hostify’s main goals are to broadcast as much publicity as possible in every web browser installed on your system, and to act as a spy saving data about your browsing activity.

These ads are inserted on real time on every website you visit, which can result in many execution bugs besides ruining the visual look of pages being shown in your screen.

It’s clear then that downloading free software from the net is how Hostify ends up infiltrating our systems. As easy as ignoring what it’s written in every screen from install processes you open the door for this adware to be installed without even noticing that you have allow it yourself. Thus the importance of being aware of our actions whenever we’re installing something that came from the net.

Here’s a screenshot of Hostify’s official website, whose only goal is to publish their conditions of use; conditions that are automatically accepted by all those who have Hostify installed on their computers.

Note that you have approved yourself these guidelines when you installed the program, it makes no difference that you might have done it without realizing it…

Finally, a final word of advice: only download programs from their official websites and avoid download platforms like Softonic or 01net.

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Michelle Lopez: