Remove Hao123

Hao123 is a website created by Chinese people that is linked to a browser hijacker. Hao123.com takes as its own the homepage place in all web browsers installed in your system. This unwanted program usually installs itself in your computer in a quiet manner when you download and install software coming from the Internet.

Actually, several programs and download platforms like download.com get a commission every time Hao123 is installed into an user’s browser, this explains why they prefer to keep its installation as discrete as possible.

All browser hijackers like Hao123 usually behave the same… they protect its place by stopping the user from being able to change back the settings through the options menu. In Hao123′s case they reconfigure their own parameters after every restart.

Pages forced upon the user due to Hao123′s presence in her/his computer are filled with ads that also pay the browser hijacker’s developer. Not even the fact that they include a huge Google logo on their page stops them from disguising ads as search results and placing them in the first and best positions so we see ourselves forced to click on them.

If you wish to remove Hao123, follow along the guide presented below (all software recommended is 100% free).

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Michelle Lopez: