Remove FreeSoftToday

FreeSoftToday is a free widget for PC, Mac, Windows phone, iOS and Android and can be downloaded from its official website, www.freesofttoday.com. On that page, the publisher promises you “Every day a new offer” through its widget, which offers free or discounted applications from their partners each day. Read: “Every day a new adware/malware/spyware!” This program carries the Tuto4PC signature; this company is already behind adware like Eorezo or the homepage Lo.st. Simply put, its unappealing website aside, no sensible person would install this kind of program on their machine.

The problem is that FreeSoftToday is offered as a package with other programs and the people who’ve installed FreeSoftToday never really wanted this program on their machine in the first place. Below, you’ll find out how to remove this unwanted program.

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