Remove feed.snowbitt.com

feed.snowbitt.com is a browser hijacker that is distributed attached to programs (usually free ones) you found and downloaded from the net. Once installed, this browser hijacker will replace in all your browsers both default homepage and default search engine, placing feed.snowbitt.com instead.

Several free downloads don’t clearly state that other tools are attached to them to be installed in your PC and that’s why is only after the install is done that you notice them.

For example, when you install VLC Player and you fail to customize the install process, feed.snowbitt.com will be set instead of your default homepage and default search engine. However, if you decide to uninstall VLC Player, you’ll notice that those settings never go back to their original state. What this means is that to remove this unwanted program you must go through a anti-malware tool.

As you can see, you must be very careful when installing something new, because it’s not uncommon to see browser hijackers like feed.snowbitt.com being attached to free downloads. Always pay attention to what you do.

This page includes a complete guide that will help you completely remove feed.snowbitt.com and any other malicious tool that could also be lurking around in your system.

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Michelle Lopez: