Remove alphago

alphago is a malicious program that is usually installed on your computer, behind your back. Showing ads and saving our personal data are the two main objectives why alphago was developed. Such ads can be seen either as banners, pop-ups, fake results on Google, or blue/green underlined words directly in the content of every visited website.

Besides ruining your browsing experience, alphago also takes the time of spying on everything you do online, saving every website you visit and every search you make. alphago goes as far as analyzing what you have on your computer, according to them with “statistics” purposes only, or so they claim on their license of use. The truth is that all this data is saved into commercial databases containing your commercial profile that will be sold afterwards.

Installing free software is how alphago gets to be installed in our computers. All it takes is for you to be distracted while installing to not notice that this adware is offered along with the program you intended to install. That’s why we always say that you must always take extra care when installing something new in your computer.

This adware can also be found attached to fake updates, usually for Java or Flash, often found in video streaming websites.

If you’re already infected with alphago, be careful with websites offering you removal solutions, because you might end up following fake advice that will take you to download and pay for a scareware that will be hard to remove too.

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Michelle Lopez: