Remove zodiac-game.info

zodiac-game.info is a Russian website that opens-up unexpectedly when you’re computer has been infected with an adware. Don’t panic, zodiac-game.info is not dangerous for your computer. The sudden presence of this website on your computer is done with one purpose: to make money through artificially increasing traffic to this website and therefore towards its ads.

zodiac-game.info uses different techniques to make sure it keeps opening all the time, one could be for example to add a key on the Windows registry database to make sure it will be opened every time the system starts-up.

zodiac-game.info was most likely installed when you download a crack along with a keygen. We strongly advice you to be very careful with what you download, because these sort of files could expose you to real threats like Trojan.PWS

You should also be aware that many disinfection websites could offer you cleaning solutions that will end up being nothing but attempts to force you to install an anti-spyware tool that requires payment. Those tools are usually as useless as they are expensive! Our guide is 100% free, and we don’t use any paying tool, on the contrary we use only free tools to clean your computer. Our guide is detailed step by step with visual aids, like videos and pictures so anyone form beginners to advanced may be able to follow it.

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Michelle Lopez: