Remove www-searches.net

www-searches.net is a browser hijacker. The goal of www-searches.net is simply to assert itself as your default homepage and default search engine. It’s a page that resembles that of Google, but upon further investigation, has nothing to do with the search engine of the American giant.

This type of unwanted software is capable of customizing, unbeknownst to the user, the browser settings and making it your homepage, as well as the default search engine, ultimately with the goal of forcing you to use another service than the one previously offered. The pages that you are forced to visit thanks to www-searches.net are often full of ads that the creator of www-searches.net profits from. The more the page is used, the greater the revenue for the creator. This is why the page sneaks in when you install software downloaded from the internet.

www-searches.net was designed so that the user can’t make any manual changes using the settings of your browser. That’s why www-searches.net is helped by an unwanted program that was installed at the same time. This also explains why it’s difficult to remove this infection easily.

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