Remove Video Player out of date

If you’ve been seeing pages showing the text “Your video player may be out of date” or “Your video player is out of date” and specially if you haven’t been doing anything to check such an update or asking for it, chances are that your computer is being the victim of a malware. It’s not a dangerous virus, but just a simple adware trying to convince you to download some other parasite. Here’s an example of these so called alerts Your video player may be out of date:

If this kind of message is seen rarely it might be a different case, they can be legitimate ads linked to the website you’re browsing in… although we should note that the advertising company behind them is not a very trusty one. We usually see this kind of ads in streaming websites or in download platforms offering torrents and/or cracks.

On the contrary, if these ads are seen non-stop and in a recurrent kind of way, in every single website you visit, then we can be sure that an adware is behind them.

In any case is best to make sure that no parasites are present in your computer. To do that use the guide presented below containing free tools for any removal you might need.

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Michelle Lopez: