Remove Topf1le.com

The website whose URL address is topf1le.com, is usually used to promote and be the download source for malicious software. topf1le.com is used both by adware and by ads found in streaming, torrent or crack websites. Then seeing topf1le.com doesn’t necessarily means that we have been infected with an adware.

Pages coming from topf1le.com promote fake alert messages, fake updates or yet again fake tools. Here’s one example of such pages:

In that screenshot we can see topf1le.com offering a video player. If you install the tool with the offered .exe file, you will find yourself with a new player, never mind that it will be showing ads non-stop and that its quality is light years from achieving the one found in respected video players like VLC…

That’s not all… besides installing this worthless video player, if we don’t pay attention while installing we’ll find ourselves swimming in adware coming from topf1le.com too. It could for example try to install an adware called Wajam among many others:

To remove the whole lot of useless programs, we present you here with a efficient and free guide. Not like many other offered in so called security blogs that will ask you for money in exchange of a allegedly anti-malware solution that most of the time doesn’t even work.

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Michelle Lopez: