Remove tohotweb.com

tohotweb.com is a browser hijacker, meaning a program that changes several parameters of your web browsers by hijacking your own configuration, of course this is all done without you even realizing it nor giving your explicit approval. Your home page, error page and default search engine are changed without your permission in order to force you to use different pages from the ones you usually like and had previously chosen.

This browser hijacker usually enters your computer in a most quietly manner when you install some free software you found online. Several programs and download platforms such as softonic get a comission every time tohotweb.com is successfully installed on a new browser, this is why they make their best effort to pass on withtout being discovered.

As many other browser hicjackers, tohotweb.com makes sure you can no longer change your browser’s parameters manually.

Besides changing your parameters wihtout asking for any approval from you, tohotweb.com also makes money through you thanks to the ads it will force you to see on your homepage and on every result page shown if you use their search engine. Every visit coming from tohotweb.com‘s victims turns into money for them and doubles their ads related income.

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Michelle Lopez: