Remove time-to-read.ru

time-to-read.ru is an address belonging to a Russian website placed in our browsers by a browser hijacker. We have already reported hundreds of parasites such as this in our site. We’re not dealing in this case with a virus per se, but with a annoying program that attempts to make money through you.

To achieve this goal, it will change your browser’s settings so both default homepage and default search engine become time-to-read.ru, it will be then mandatory for you to use this page and all its services. Below we show you a preview of what this website looks like:

This program will create web traffic towards certain sites as well as collect commercial information useful for others, and show ads and sponsored links directly in your browser.

Usually we get infected with time-to-read.ru while executing some file we downloaded from the net, most likely an .exe file that will ask for high administrative authorizations. A lot of programs found online work as bait to install this kind of parasites so your computer is used to make money for them.

To remove time-to-read.ru you can take advantage of the guide presented below; all software recommended is 100% free unlike what you can find online in the many websites pretending to help you.

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Michelle Lopez: