Remove Teal Kitty

Teal Kitty is a name linked to an unwanted software whose number of installations has been increasing thanks to modified setup programs for free software; by declining to customize the installation process of these free tools you end up with malicious software like Teal Kitty among others in your Windows system.

Once it’s on your system, it’ll spy on everything you do online and will also start broadcasting as much ads as possible.

These ads can be seen as pop-ups, banners, fake ads on Google, or links in blue or green among the text of the visited websites. They can be easily identified with the text Teal Kitty Ads  or Ads by Teal Kitty,  actually it is because of this text that people notice they have been infected.

Besides ruining our browsing experience, Teal Kitty is also capable of analyzing every move we make online, according to them with “statistics purposes”. Truth is they collect as many data as possible about us to sell it later.

In order to avoid this kind of problem in the future, be aware of what you do when you install something new in your computer, don’t go clicking on “Next” mindlessly. Make sure you customize the install process so you can refuse the installation of anything you haven’t chosen.

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Michelle Lopez: