Remove Stopblock.net

Stopblock.net is an advertising proxy’s address that redirects requests made by the affected browser in order to insert ads in every visited website. Usually a proxy works as a link or middle man between an intranet and the internet connection. They are most widely used to increase navigation speed, to protect a local network or as an anonymity filter while browsing the net.

Stopblock.net proxy is considered by several antivirus as a Hijacker.Proxy, and it is usually installed behind your back while you download some free software. Actually, there are several websites that use the “packaging” method; this method consists on modifying the original install process made for a certain software to include additional content. Usually this content includes programs that will be used to quietly install some other program like browser toolbars, adware or malware.

This page will help you completely remove Stopblock.net proxy and the adware behind it. 99% of the websites out there that pretend to help you remove Stopblock.net are nothing but shameless attempts at making buy a program that will end up being both expensive and useless, and as if that was not enough, if you try to remove it afterwards you’ll find yourself in trouble yet again.

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Michelle Lopez: