Remove start.hometab.com

start.hometab.com is a web address installed to replace the default homepage in all your browsers installed on Windows. It is set up by a program known as browser hijacker.

Some programs and download platforms like download.com earn a reward every time start.hometab.com is successfully installed into a new browser, which is why they perform this install as quietly as possible.

start.hometab.com is programmed to stop you from manually getting back your own configuration. To achieve this task it often gets the support of a process or service on Windows that will make sure start.hometab.com is set again and again after every system restart.

Besides installing itself on your system without your explicit approval, start.hometab.com‘s owners will also earn more money by showing you sponsored ads among the results of any search you perform, in other words every visit generated from this page will also get them an advertising revenue.

This website was also developed to be the source of fake alarming messages, allegedly warning you about some great issue. These alert messages are shown with a link that will direct you towards an e-commerce website where you’ll be able to buy some anti-spyware software that promises to get rid of the problem you’re supposed to be having. This seller is usually the same one that developed start.hometab.com, taking even further advantage then of every user infected.

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Michelle Lopez: