Remove SimilarDeals

SimilarDeals is tag that you might be seeing labeling some ads if you have been infected with an adware. These ads can be obnoxious and appear in huge amounts in the worst possible moments. Plus, even though at first sight it might look like the ads come from the website you’re visiting, you can be sure that nothing is more far from the truth. Actually this adware inserts html/css/javascript code in every website you visit to be able to show its ads no matter where. Being as it is, you can see those ads either in google.com or in our own website. Although we must say, SimilarDeals prefers to go after commercial sales websites.

You have been infected with SimilarDeals probably by downloading a free software, that when installing you kept clicking on “Next” or “Accept” too fast, therefore not noticing that you were going also accepting the automatic installation of an additional program. Although it’s also possible that you downloaded some program that left you no choice.

There are a lot of websites online that will offer you a removal solution, however 99% of those are not recommended because their instructions will cause you to download a program that will ask for money in return. Our removal guide is 100% free!

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Michelle Lopez: