Remove searchmaster.net

searchmaster.net is a browser hijacker, what this term means is that we’re dealing with a program that hijacks your browser’s settings to set its own. The website you see over and over coming from searchmaster.net whenever you open you browser or perform a search is but the proof of the infection. This usually happens when you execute a program you downloaded from the web, usually hidden there was a program that makes sure several of your browser settings are changed, including your default homepage and default search engine. Other elements might also be changed by searchmaster.net such as the error page and the welcome page in any new tab, furthermore shortcuts can also be added.

The goal behind all of these is to direct your browsing towards searchmaster.net all the time because this allows the program editor to achieve thousands of visits as thousands of users are being infected. Plus, by placing ads disguised as results in the results page and therefore tempting users to click on them, they make money. In order to stop you from rolling back these changes, searchmaster.net sets in motion several measures making it impossible to get rid of.

However, the free tools we recommend in the following guide will help you remove not only searchmaster.net but also any other infection that might also be present in your system.

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Michelle Lopez: