Remove Productivity Boss

Productivity Boss is a name linked both to a toolbar and a search engine that appears all properly installed in user’s browsers who had no interest whatsoever in having them installed. This is because Productivity Boss is installed quietly along with some free software (freeware or shareware).

On Chrome, Productivity Boss is seen as a new tab including a search engine. Even though there is a logo saying “powered by Google” we can’t trust that it makes it all better, because nothing stops them from including their own results filled with ads. This is what that page looks like:

On the other hand, on Firefox and Internet Explorer we “win” the right to a brand new toolbar called Productivity Boss Toolbar, which is not only there all the time but also offers services related to even more adware.

To remove Productivity Boss is not exactly an easy task, and probably your first instinct was to look for some help on Google. We’re sure that you found countless websites offering you removal options that promise it will all be gone after a few clicks. Be careful because 99.99% of those websites are nothing but shameful attempts at selling you a software whose effectiveness to remove Productivity Boss won’t be guaranteed. Here at How-to-remove.com we have selected the best free tools that will actually help you remove Productivity Boss once and for all. Keep reading below to find our guide.

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Michelle Lopez: