Remove Primary Color

Primary Color is a program we can classify as PUP (Potentially Unwanted Programs). If you have a running installation of Primary Color in your computer is because you weren’t very careful when you installed some new program recently.

Primary Color was developed with two tasks in mind: to show huge amounts of publicity and to spy on your every move online.

These ads can be seen in many different forms and presentations, you can notice some new banners, pop-ups might be annoying you, fake results are shown in Google or some key words can become green or blue and turned into links right within the text of any website you might visit. Usually such ads are tagged as Ads by Primary Color or Powered by Primary Color, and it is through these tags that many people come to realize they’ve been infected.

As stated above, Primary Color behaves as a spy, collecting useful data to customize the ads shown, for example the websites you visit and every web search you make. This data can also be saved into databases that will most probably be sold afterwards to other enterprises.

If you wish to avoid this kind of issue in the future, whenever you’re installing something new, make sure you read thoroughly the conditions so you understand what are the consequences of choosing the default install.

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Michelle Lopez: