Remove Pass and Play

Pass and Play is one of the many programs considered as PUP, short for Potentially Unwanted Program. If you’ve been affected by Pass and Play, we can confidently say that you were not careful enough when installing a new software in your PC.

This program’s goal is quite simple, to show as many ads as possible in every website we visit, and to spy on everything we do with our computer.

Publicity shown by Pass and Play is able to appear in every possible corner, from the content of every visited website (trough banners, underlined words, pop-ups) to new tabs and windows opening up unexpectedly following the pattern of your clicks and sometimes completely on their own.

We usually come to notice we’ve been infected with Pass and Play when we notice recurrent ads tagged as Powered by Pass and Play or Pass and Play Ads showing up all the time.

We can also see it added to Firefox and Internet Explorer’s plug-in list, as we can see in the 2 screenshots shown below:

Pass and Play acts like a spyware then, because it spies on everything we do, like websites we visit and searches we make, saving all data about it, first of all to narrow down the kind of publicity it will show but also to save it in remote databases than can be sold afterwards.

It’s even possible to find a website specially made for Pass and Play, but we quickly discover that we can’t download it there. The only reason this website exists is because they needed a space to publish their conditions of use, in this way no legal action can be taken against them.

If you’ve been infected with Pass and Play, be careful not to trust all websites offering removal solutions. Most of them are just ways to trick you into buying a software that will be hard to get rid of afterwards. Here at How-to-Remove everything is free!

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Michelle Lopez: