Remove oursem1.com

oursem1.com is a browser hijacker that was conceived to act like a search engine replacing your default homepage. It’s usually discretely installed at the same time as some tool you found online.

Several different websites or platforms like download.com get a commission every time oursem1.com is successfully installed onto a user’s browser, this is why its installation is always done as quietly as possible. If you add a new tool to your system, it’s extremely important that you remember to remove some installing options in order to stop any unwanted programs from being installed at the same time.

oursem1.com has infected your computer in such a way that to manually recover your own settings becomes impossible. To achieve this, the program might take support in a Windows process or service that might install it back every time you restart your computer.

Results given by oursem1.com are most likely fake; some of the results will come from Google, however it will add its own results in the best positions of the results page to increase the chances of guiding you to pages that could compromise your security.

oursem1.com is also used to show a fake security message concerning an imaginary infection. Within this fake alert there will be a link towards an e-commerce website offering anti-malware that will allegedly remove the infection. This seller is no other than oursem1.com‘s developer, therefore it will win even more through people it has infected.

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Michelle Lopez: