Remove newtab.club

newtab.club is a new browser hijacker that takes as its own the place of your default homepage and default search engine in every browser installed on your computer. It performs such modifications without asking for any kind of approval on your side; even when it comes to the fact of newtab.club being installed, it barely shows some discrete message about it. Taking this into consideration we can safely classify newtab.club as a browser hijacker.

To remove a parasite like this is not usually a clear and easy task: newtab.club and its comrades are usually installed with a process, service or scheduled task on Windows that will protect them from any attempt at changing back to your own settings. Therefore don’t be surprised if after manually placing your settings on your browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer) newtab.club is set in place again just after restarting your computer.

Even though all browser hijackers pursue the same goal: to discretely change your browser settings, it’s not a given fact that they will all use the same methods to keep their settings in place. Considering this we strongly advice you to use all tools mentioned in our guide so you’ll increase the changes of removing newtab.club once and for all!

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Michelle Lopez: