Remove mysearch123

mysearch123.com  is a browser hijacker. This name is given to pages that hijack your browser’s parameters to place their own for the homepage, error page and default search engine. This is done so you’re forced to use pages different from the ones you had chosen before.

This malicious website is usually installed after you installed yourself a program you found on the internet (probably a free one). Be aware that certain programs or download platforms get a commission every mysearch123 is successfully installed into a user’s computer, this explains why its installation is done so discretely. Although it’s important to notice that if no warning is made of mysearch123 being installed, it becomes illegal.

Besides installing itself on your computer without your permission, mysearch123’s authors will make good money through you. The results you’ll be forced to see will be full of sponsored links that pay them to be shown.

mysearch123 tries to imitate Google’s visual look to trick the users, but it’s nothing like Google beyond the looks.

mysearch123’s results are without a doubt fake because even though some of them will come from Google, mysearch123 will make sure to place in the best places its own results that will take you to online frauds or will expose you to even more problems for your computer.

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Michelle Lopez: